Thursday, February 9, 2012

How Things Change

Thursday, February 9, 2012
Today, this painting looks like this . . .

Just yesterday, it looked like this.

Not a lot of change, but a bit of blue is good, don't you think?

And for a week, these little cross paintings had no "jewel" in the center,
no glint of gold within the lapis blue,
nor much shading to speak of......

But now, they're different - a little more depth, a lot more sparkle.
Just like my life since discovering I'm an artist -
which wasn't long ago . . . feels like just yesterday.

Surrendering to the urge to create has changed me.
No more corporate sales gigs, no more business suits . . . just paint spattered jeans and ruined manicures.
No more "9 to 5" - I seldom watch the clock anymore.
No brainy sales strategies to implement - instead, I let my heart lead.

Don't get me wrong . . . my "previous" life was not bad - not at all!
I enjoyed my success and had great friends, great clients.
It brought a life I couldn't have otherwise had, including my marriage and our home.

One blessing has been finding my "Art Tribe" .
They seem to see me . . . they understand my SoulTruth.
They understand words like SoulTruth!

I'm so very grateful for these enormous shifts.
I am happy to wake up every day curious . . . excited to see what's next!
Don't you just love how things change?


Margie said...

I love seeing how the first one morphed! I liked it before, but I love it even more now.

Melissa said...

I think these are amazing! Something beautiful and deep radiates from them. Love them.

Cat said...


Anonymous said...

Actually, a little touch which has made a big change. Love them!