This one told me it needed an adobe added to it, so I had to oblige.
So three completed in the last two days and four more backgrounds readied with first layers of collage and paint.....feeling those will likely be crosses rather than vessels - but we'll see what happens next!
Thank you all for such supportive, encouraging and sweet comments on my last few posts.
You don't know what they mean to me - it can get a little lonely in the studio you know.
Thank you from the bottom of my creative heart.
By the way, I accidently deleted a couple of your amazing comments while scanning my spam folder - which made me so sad.
So if you happened to have noticed your's went missing, know it was received and very very much appreciated.
Just a slip of a paint covered finger and poof, they were gone . . . sigh.
No words, these are just amazing. I am drawn to the first one. Jeez Tracie. Bet it feels good to work smaller too for a change.
Really stunning. Really.
Love them all! Great colours, subtlety and textures.
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