especially tidbits about the creative process.
I tell you, I can glean it from the CRAZIEST places.
But from a Surf God?
Well, I do live in Surf City.
Last night, we watched Laird Hamilton on OWN network's "Master Class" (while munching our Valentine chocolate dipped strawberries, thank you very much!)
There were many life lessons he spoke to during the show.
But the part that really got me was a segment subtitled "always continue the hunt".
In it, Laird says, and I'm paraphrasing, "One of my goals from the beginning was to love surfing -- to make sure I don't EVER stop loving surfing. To continue to love it, I must create aspects of it that I'm pursuing . . . that I'm striving toward. I have morphing goals . . . when I get near it, I change it. As a hunter/gatherer, when we stop having something to hunt, we lose the whole point."
I feel the same way about painting.
This has led me to many a class, many an artist date and many a book about creativity.
I want to always love painting.
And that means I have to continuously practice, seek inspiration, seek community, grow & stretch.
Sometimes those pieces come easily, often they don't.
Right now I'm having a helluva a time!
I am SERIOUSLY in love with painting!
Here's one I started today.....
(collage, acrylic and pencil on 36x36" canvas)
She's gotta a bit of an attitude, don't you think?
I don't know where these characters come from.....
I'll leave you with a bit of the Laird Hamilton show....
not the segment I spoke of, but it's another goodie.....enjoy!
(Forgive the short commercial in the beginning.)
Oh Tracie, Your work is amazing! It is so wonderful watching your progressions and your growth! Beautiful!
There is something going on with your backgrounds and color combos, I love ths transformation going on missy.
I absolutely love this painting. Oh, my, but it is beautiful!
awesome clip
very inspiration and so true
that painting is amazing...the colour and textures on it
I love it
love and light
synchronicity happens....tonite I went to see "The Descendants" with a girliefriend. Who was in one of the first scenes? Laird Hamilton. Don't think I've EVER scene him in a movie before!
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