I'm laying low (under doctor's orders) cause I snuck off and had some major surgery last week.
(A big secret to all but a few!)
Good news is that I feel so great, I've not even had 1 pain pill.....not one!
Bad news is, I'm not allowed to drive or do much of anything yet.
Seems my body's got some hidden healing to do.
So I've gone "underground".
Ya know, it's sometimes hard to accept the love you're blessed with - at least it is for me.
It's actually been quite difficult for me to receive all the food makin' and errand runnin' and chore doin' I've been gifted with.
I'm trying to "breathe it all in" and know it's okay to ask for help.
I'm so very grateful for such loving friends and family.
(I want to send each and every one of them a big sappy love letter.)
So, with all this freedom, it's to the sketchbook I've gone.
With oodles of time to dawdle and daydream, I'm making lots of yummy plans.
My creative heart is filling with so many ideas, that I'm tempted to take an extended blogging hiatus - for perhaps the entire year of 2012!
What? What!
I dunno. I just don't know yet. But I'm feeling pulled in that direction......
I'm dreaming of spending the year in total creative immersion.
Lot's of "what if's" are floating around.....
for instance, "what if" I did nothing but paint for an entire year?
"What if" I spent every day in the studio or on inspiring artist dates?
"What if" our home became a huge creative project in itself this year?
I'd so dig that.
And there's much to be done to flesh out the art journaling class I'm leading in the Spring.
So much to be excited about - so much I want to do.
So I'll sit with it during this forced downtime of mine and let you know what comes of it -
you'll be the first to know!

Love the art...
Love your ideas...
I know magic would happen!
Good to hear you are doing well!
Sending more healing vibes!
Use this time of healing to listen...exactly as you are doing. You'll know which way to go.
(Either way I'm seeing you in Sedona so I'm happy.) :)
Keep resting!!
Follow your heart my friend and continue healing that body of yours. Margie
I very much understand those sort of scary, yet attractive, "what ifs." I'm having a few myself lately. I think it's good to pay attention to them. ...but still difficult.
Tracie, I love that you are having a comfortable recovery and are surrounded by lots of loving family and friends! Take advantage of your downtime to do as Lisa suggested...just listen. Whatever, out of the "what ifs" you come up with, one thing is for sure,...it and you will be FABULOUS! xxxooo
soak in this chance to listen my friend... i am so glad you are well and healing and listening to the big dreams the universe has in store for you <3
Lots of love and light for your recovery, Traci. Blessings for you in whatever feels right for you. Loving all your artwork!
so inspiring. I have surgery coming up too and this helps me think of how to use the recovery time in positive and wonderful way. Art heals.
Love your post. Thank you
I am a big fan of surgery. I am happy that you are pain free and freely creating. You are an inspiration.
Hi Tracey
coming over from SouLodge
wow taking a full year off blog to immerse yourself in the creative, how inspiring
what a thought
it made my body tingle
your work is beautiful...a year immersed could unleash the dragon! that would be amazing
see you in the Lodge
Love and Light
sorry about the misspelt name : ( Tracie
Hello Beautiful!
So glad to hear that your recovery is going well.
I trust that you'll listen to your body and heed its needs :)
I trust that you'll also listen to your heart ;D
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