I must tell you . . . painting this was super scary. Brushes give me some feeling of control. My inner gremlin was raging through the entire process!
The palette knife is truly unpredictable . . . and the paint so thick, I must really slow down, allowing the paint to dry between layers or it becomes a big smeary mess!
This one had me declaring out loud to my studio-mate (and Mom) that, "I'm giving myself permission to really *&%@# this one up!"
The little guy on the easel below is the start of my second attempt....we'll see how it goes. Right now, not so well. Sigh.
When I return to it in a day or two, I'll take a few deep breaths and leap.
You see, painting is never really about painting, for me anyway. No. It's continually about surrender.

Whoa kiddo, I really like these! I love the texture you get with a palette knife. I've done little paintings before with one and actually felt much freer and didn't try to contol it as much as I do a brush. Might have to try again seeing these! Keep going! Xo
oooo T i think i like this one even more - that line up looks so full of character!!! this is the birth of something magical
I like them both ... each is the same, but the emotion completely different ... LOVE that!
Tracie! Every time I come for a visit, I automatically squeal as I see how with each passing month your art just continues to get better and better and better! The passion you possess is equally inspiring!
Congratulations !!
Wonderful! Testing/ experimenting is the best part of art .. actually the best part of life! I love what you said about painting being about surrender.
Ooohh, I LOVE these!!!
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