Just as you're fully intending to spend the day painting something based on this....
up pops THIS! The dreaded inner meanie . . . the demon robbing me of my creative bliss. My gremlin.
My beginning strokes on canvas were so horrid!
(Wait! Is this only my gremlin speaking?)
Well, I won't dare show you THAT!
In quiet desperation, I literally fell to my knees, spreading all my supplies in a large circle around me. I began spreading paints on a large sheet of watercolor - still the gremlin growled.
So onto the smaller palette of my art journal, where I let him speak to me.
Sometimes it's the only thing you can do - just let him have his say.
A guy just needs a little space - to know I'm listening.....
Only then will he be silenced . . .
and I can begin again.

love it!
What an interesting, interesting post! Loved it!
Very. Yes.
Tracie --
Thank you for sharing your journey here. I just discovered you through Shiloh's website. I am in the midst of taking the Leading a Legendary Life course as well. I can *so* relate to what I've read of your experience. I love that you gave your gremlin a space in your art journal!
I am also blogging my painting journey and I would love to share it with you: http://www.paintingherselfintobeing.wordpress.com
Many blessings on your journey! Your work is beautiful!
Sheri Ponzi
Tracie, I am so pleased I stumbled upon this post via your Surrender post. I can totally relate to both. But considering thursday's phone chat & how one of the ladies suggested I paint my Gremlin due to my on-going issue with perfectionism, this post holds much more weight with me now. Thankyou for relaying your experience for us.
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