Saturday, April 3, 2010

Come Play!

Saturday, April 3, 2010
Mystele is beginning a great new class called "Gut Art" . . . . it's all about discovering your authentic creative voice. It starts April 5 - come play!

Just click here for info! And nope, I'm not getting paid for this . . . just spreading the love!


Cindi Myers said...

Hey You!
Love the pic with the pup!
Have A Happy Easter, I'm off now th check out the class info.
Take care, Cindi

Carissa Paige said...

Hey Tracie, So happy to meet you and HOW COOL that we are taking the same 2 things! I'm a little nervous about the SARK class. She's like - a superhero!

I love your Gut Art book! I just started mine tonight.

Your studio space is awesome btw! (sorry to assault you with so many exclamations!!!)