Welcome to my blog series "Room to Bloom"! Some amazing women from around the world will be sharing their personal creative spaces with us. No matter if our space is desk in a corner of our kitchen or a spacious loft studio, we all need room to bloom, don't you think? I know you'll find these sanctuaries as inspiring as I do.
Today's guest is Tami Chacon. Tami's claimed a space right in the front room of her home - bold, huh? Tami says she is a "dreamer of dreams" - well, I think she's living them too! Take a peeksy at her inspiring space below - enjoy!
If you had asked me ten years ago if I was creative, I would have said no way. Growing up, I never felt I was 'artisitic'. I was musical and pursued music in college years and year ago. But as for art - that wasn't me. I never felt I could even doodle.
I married, had two children. At one point I was a Girl Scout leader and I needed to help my troops create arts and crafts. I enjoyed creating those little items. I never felt artistic tho'.
Then, I went thru a really dark time about eight years ago. During that darkness, I felt a need to play with decorative papers and such. I had an overwhelming desire to play with color and patterns. I filled several journals with this playing. I had no idea that I was art journaling! But that art journaling saved me in more ways than one.

I discovered magazines at the bookstore that showed women creating. I discovered women online that had these blogs that spoke to me. Then I found an online class that taught how to paint backgrounds. I was completely hooked.
I stumbled onto Connie's website and loved her journaling videos. Took her first Art Journaling class, which led to BIG. Thru all of this I've continued to explore color, paint, paper, texture, pattern. I've discovered I am artistic. My artisitic voice, my style is evolving each day. I am happiest at my art table with time on my hands.

My creative space has evolved over the last few years. It all started with the dining room table - I would spread out my small supply of 'art stuff' and play if and when I had the time. Eventually I moved a book case by the table and began storing more 'stuff'. Often, we wouldn't be able to eat dinner at the big table because I would have a project spread out. I have this large keyboard that was taking up space in the living area near the front door. My husband built a table to go over the keyboard and I had this wonderful flat surface to actually work on!! I've now claimed the front area as my 'studio'.

The computer, several book cases and cabinets store all my goodies. If need be, I put cardboard on the wall in the dining area for my "BIG" paintings. The walls of the house were off white when I began my exploration of art - now they are a bright yummy yellow in the studio area and a beautiful orange in the den with one red wall! Color has brought life into the house! My art has brought me to myself.

Before creating, I take a moment to center myself. It may be a few deep breaths and a giving of thanks or it may be time spent on the yoga mat. I love to work with music and a candle lit when the house is empty of teenagers and noise. This does not occur very often! So, I get up each morning and do something in my studio. It may just be to throw some paint on a journal page as a background, or flip thru old journals.
On a good morning I have time to sit and be and paint. I cherish those mornings. Last weekend I had the luxury of a whole day to myself. It was heavenly. Music is one of my favorite inspirations. I spent the day listening to my favorite music and painted. My dreams play a big part in my journaling and art. I find myself revisiting themes from my dreams when I create.
There are many challenges to claiming my "room to bloom" - time and space being the most difficult. Of course, there is never enough time . . . the day job, and all those other responsibilities don't leave me near enough time to create - but the time I do spend is time I cherish.
I live in a small house with my husband, two daughters, my mom, and various animals. Seems there is always an interruption of some sort. And the space for my studio is right in the center of everything. The front door is directly in front of my easel. My solution is to spend time early in the morning or late at night when there aren't as many interruptions. When we have company visiting I often feel the need to put away my current pieces that I'm not ready to share. I'm still quite shy about sharing my art with people.
As for my "future dream studio", I have a little voice that whispers of a space, a wide-open space with tons of room to spread out. I envision several working areas that I could leave my work out on and then go from piece to piece as I am inspired. And I would LOVE to have a space to share with others - a working studio/shop that would encourage others to create and dream. I drive by real estate that is available and picture myself in it.

Right now, my studio space is usually quite cluttered and messy. It can get quite overwhelming. I will reach a point where I can't stand it anymore and start sorting the clutter, freeing up space, and then I find I have a rush of creativity because of the clean space.

I am a woman living as fully as I can - living life's questions into the answers. Searching, questioning, learning, loving, laughing and along the way discovering the colors of life. A dreamer of dreams - wishing and hoping each new day brings more color into the world.
Visit Tami's Blog
and Tami's Etsy Shop!

tami! fabulous! i love that you created a space for yourself! ah, you're challenges, time and space. yep. so understand that! thank you for the peek into your world :o)
Tracie - I've finally figured out what was wrong with my computer so I can post comments on your blog : ) Thanks for showing my space. I'm really enjoying the other fabulous women you've shown. can't wait to see more!
So proud of my baby sister ♫
So proud of my baby sister ♫
Tami - yay for carving out a space for yourself!! I enjoyed reading about your process and rituals!!! Your morning ritual sounds like a wonderful way to start off the day! Also, I love the colors that you painted the walls! Awesome! Thanks for sharing with us!!!!
Tami - yay for carving out a space for yourself!! I enjoyed reading about your process and rituals!!! Your morning ritual sounds like a wonderful way to start off the day! Also, I love the colors that you painted the walls! Awesome! Thanks for sharing with us!!!!
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