Welcome to my blog series "Room to Bloom"! Some amazing women from around the world will be sharing their personal creative spaces with us. No matter if our space is desk in a corner of our kitchen or a spacious loft studio, we all need room to bloom, don't you think? I know you'll find these sanctuaries as inspiring as I do.
Today's guest is Leonie Allan! Many many women know Leonie's blog and e-courses....I know I do! I'm a die hard fan of the Leonie! I love the way this woman thinks....and the way she goes and goes! Check out how she works her soulful living into two hours a day and the tropical paradise she does it from - she gives a whole new meaning to having "room to bloom"!
Right now, my creative space is wherever there is a nook or space handy. I became a mama in the last year, and we moved to a tiny little 100 year old cottage in tropical paradise. So you'll find me painting on our verandah with my daughter, writing on the couch, making podcasts up trees, blogging from cafes, making videos in playgrounds. Wherever I can make art - I am THERE! Just add Leonie, and any space is instant studio!!!

I used to be fussy about making art and writing. I thought the conditions hand to be *right* you know?
No sound, sacred smudging beforehand, my work area clear, the morning (it's my creative time, ya know?)
And then I had a baby.

Everything got thrown out the window. Whenever I get the time to create - that's the MAGIC spot for me.
Just to create is a great ritual in itself… no extras needed anymore!!!

Now I get two hours a day to write/create/run my business. As soon as my daughter goes to sleep, I install my love as Chief Minder, run across the paddock and into our lil village. And I sit at a little cafe, or up a tree and I pour out everything I can pour out.

I've only got two hours. And it's a blessing - because OMG! I can be so crazy productive in those two hours.
I don't get bored - ever - with what I do. I don't get distracted. I'm always hankering for more.
But for right now - this crazy time constraint works in my favour. There's no possible way on earth I can get burnt out from too much work! Because there will be my lil daughter's hand, banging on my keyboard, pulling me into the backyard.

As for ideas for a future dream studio, Oh yes! I feel a wee bit homeless at the moment… gravitating as I do between painting on the floor/writing up trees/working in our backyard/making love notes to the world (aka blogging) in cafes.

I'm dreaming of a Balinese thatch hut in our backyard. My own creative space. It will be turquoise, with large windows looking out on our tropical garden. And there'll be a thick yoga mat, and my favourite wooden writing table that I've had since I was 12. And art and rugs and huge stacks of paint tubs. Candles and glow and love.
Oh, I'm getting teary just thinking of it!
The thing I have learned the most from the last year of Creating Wildly As A Mama is this:
Creating needs not the perfect space
or studio
or time
in order to happen.
Just do it now.
The miracles will happen.

Goddess Leonie is the creator of GoddessGuidebook.com, a popular creativity, spirituality and business blog for women.
Become a Business Goddess e-course

Another lovely entry. Jeez, you got a ton of people to share their creative space Tracie! How nice. I am truly enjoying these posts. XO
I HEART Leonie!
This was great to read :)
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